Ascend Jiva: Aashita Shekhar Shares Her Journey of Innovation, Healing, and Empowerment"

“One powerful mantra that I often turn to is "I am enough." Amidst life's chaos, it's crucial to recognize your inherent worth. Rather than striving for perfection, acknowledge your efforts and celebrate achievements, big or small. Remember, you deserve love and kindness from yourself and others.” Today’s woman dreamer, Aashita Shekhar reflects on her professional journey in customer success and project management at the Fortune 500 level, and her spirituality and empowerment journey with her new venture, Ascend Jiva. Enjoy her inspiring story!

1. Tell us your story. What inspired your career path in project management and customer success?

My journey through project management and customer success has been driven by a profound belief in technology's potential to shape a better world. At IBM, I saw innovation and impact converge firsthand, turning each project into a driver of change and every client into a vital partner in progress. As part of IBM's Leadership Council, I led diversity initiatives and developed a Healthcare Risk Analysis Methodology, earning a patent for integrating data analytics into healthcare risk assessment. This reflects my dedication to advancing technology and enhancing industry practices.

At IBM, I played key roles in HIPAA compliance, ISO audit management, and documentation management, ensuring regulatory compliance and bolstering data security standards. At EMC, VCE, RSA, and Dell, I led initiatives in website management and information security, pushing boundaries in digital security and operational efficiency, and setting new industry benchmarks.

Working with Fortune 500 companies like Tata Consultancy Services, Microsoft, Morgan Stanley, and McKesson, I gained diverse experiences in project management, documentation management, and customer success, leading initiatives that improved operational processes and enhanced customer engagement

Partnering at Four Colors Technology redefined my focus on proactive service and building trust in the AI sector. Guided by Maya Angelou's insight, 'People will never forget how you made them feel,' I prioritize creating enriching AI-driven experiences. Inspired by Nelson Mandela's belief that 'The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall,' I see challenges as opportunities for growth. This ethos propels my pursuit of excellence and innovation.

My career is fueled by a strong belief that each project, client interaction, and challenge offer a chance to create impactful and transformative outcomes.

2. Tell us more about what inspired you to start Ascend Jiva. 

The genesis of Ascend Jiva springs from my profound spiritual experiences and dedication to guiding others on paths to self-actualization. Inspired by my transformative journey, I founded the Ascend Jiva Channel to illuminate the path to spiritual awakening and personal transformation for seekers of higher consciousness. Life's challenges, including the sudden loss of my father to cancer, tested my resilience deeply. Amidst profound grief, I discovered a glimmer of light that sparked personal transformation.

Early in my career as a TV anchor, I laid the foundation for Ascend Jiva. Winning the prestigious Mrs. Bharat New England pageant and Miss Charismatic title marked a turning point, but a near-death experience from severe burns shifted my perspective. Embracing Eckhart Tolle's wisdom that "the primary cause of unhappiness is never the situation but your thoughts about it," I saw challenges as growth opportunities. Inspired by Sadhguru's guidance that "the past is useful for learning lessons, but it should not dictate your future," I embarked on self-actualization. Spiritual luminaries like Sadhguru, Deepak Chopra, Eckhart Tolle, Yogananda Paramahansa, Thich Nhat Hanh, and many others, guided me through qualifications in energy healing, reiki, and meditation. Initiation by Sadhguru, whose ongoing guidance inspires my spiritual journey, was particularly transformative.

The name "Ascend Jiva" carries profound significance, inspired by a mystical encounter symbolizing the ascent of the individual soul ('Jiva'), marking a transformative journey towards mental, physical, and spiritual growth.

Ascend Jiva inspires and empowers individuals on the path of self-discovery and spiritual transformation. Invited by Fortune 500 companies and universities, I share insights on spiritual growth, women's empowerment, and personal development. The Ascend Jiva Media Channel showcases inspiring events and reviews programs, documentaries, and movies that uplift consciousness, aiming to empower individuals to ascend in all aspects of life. Through the wisdom and insights shared, Ascend Jiva Channel serves as a vital resource for those seeking higher consciousness and purpose, guiding them towards an awakened and fulfilling life.

3. You also focus on spirituality and mindfulness. What are three tips and/or mantras for women that you would like to share as it relates to dealing with anxiety, stress, and spirituality?

Navigating anxiety, stress, and spirituality can be daunting, especially for women balancing diverse roles. Here are three insights to empower and comfort:

Embrace Self-Love: One powerful mantra that I often turn to is "I am enough." Amidst life's chaos, it's crucial to recognize your inherent worth. As Louise Hay said, "You have been criticizing yourself for years, and it hasn't worked. Try approving of yourself and see what happens." Rather than striving for perfection, acknowledge your efforts and celebrate achievements, big or small. Remember, you deserve love and kindness from yourself and others.

Practice Mindfulness and Presence: In moments of anxiety and stress, cultivating mindfulness can provide a sense of grounding and clarity. As Thich Nhat Hanh wisely said, "Feelings come and go like clouds in a windy sky. Conscious breathing is my anchor." Meditate daily to connect with your breath and work on energy centers. Let go of past and future worries to be fully present.

Trust in the Power of Surrender: Despite our efforts, life brings unexpected challenges. In these moments, it's essential to trust in the power of surrender. Eckhart Tolle said, "Surrender is yielding to the flow of life. So, I suggest, Repeat the mantra "I release what I cannot control" as a reminder to let go of resistance and embrace acceptance. Surrender opens new possibilities for growth. Remember that you are not alone on this journey, and there is always support available to you, both from within and from the world around you

Ascend Jiva Channel offers myriad resources—from guided meditations to uplifting interviews—that support your spiritual journey and enhance well-being.

5. What is your Next Big Dream?

As founder of Ascend Jiva, my vision transcends boundaries, empowering holistic journeys through Ascend Jiva Media. This extension amplifies impact with inspiring events, insightful reviews, podcasts, and empowering interviews, aiming to uplift and inspire globally on paths of personal and spiritual growth.

In Gandhi's words, "Be the change you wish to see in the world." Ascend Jiva embodies this ethos, empowering individuals to radiate positivity and empowerment, creating ripples of transformation. Ultimately, the vision includes establishing a holistic wellness center integrating spirituality, creativity, and well-being practices, offering practical tools, coaching, and personalized sessions for individuals to find fulfillment and live authentically.

Thank you Aashita for sharing your story on Women Who Win. We are excited to have you in our global women’s network!

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