Navigating Exit Strategies: EY’s Kathryn Oliver and Lisa Kelly Preview Their TiECON East 2024 Session

“The key to this is networking as one conversation could change the entire course of a business. When it comes to networking, saying yes is my best networking tip.” With TiECON East 2024 just around the corner on Friday, September 13th, we are excited to introduce today’s women dreamers, Kathryn Oliver and Lisa Kelly. They will be speakers at this year’s conference, where they will share their expertise on possible exit options for early stage / start-up companies. Kathryn is a Tax Partner at Ernst & Young in the Boston office’s Global Compliance and Reporting Tax practice. Lisa is a managing director at Ernst & Young Boston office’s assurance practice. Check out their story!

  1. You both have had extensive experience at Ernst & Young. Could you share more about your roles within the organization and what aspects of your work you find most rewarding?

Kathryn: I am a Tax Partner in the Boston office’s Global Compliance and Reporting Tax practice. I also co-lead the EY Entrepreneur of the Year program. I oversee multiple clients teams, both domestically and internationally. The work I find most rewarding is being able to mentor and coach the younger team members to support them in their career at EY.

Lisa: I am a managing director in our assurance practice which involved me leading multiple teams on a daily basis to execute audits of private and public companies predominantly in the technology, medical devices and healthcare industries. I am also the chair of our Boston International cultural exchange network which meets quarterly and promotes cultural awareness and understanding of our global business environment while learning and sharing differences in customs, language and cultural experiences. I thoroughly enjoy this role as am passionate about connecting people and ensuring everyone feels welcome, included and understood. I also have just taken on the role of co-lead the EOY program with Kat which I am really excited about as I thoroughly enjoy meeting entrepreneurs in our community hearing their stories and getting to know them on a personal level.

2. As speakers at this year’s TIE Con East, could you give us an overview of your session and share what you hope attendees will take away from the conference?

Our session focuses on possible exit options for early stage / start-up companies. My hope is that our session will bring something to light that the attendees were not previously considering or were overlooking when thinking through any potential exits in the future. 

3. The theme of TIE Con East 2024 is the "Connected Entrepreneur" What does being a "connected entrepreneur" mean to you? In your experience, why are relationship building and networking so vital for professional development and career success? Could you also share your top networking tips?

Being a “connected entrepreneur” to me means taking advantage of as many opportunities as possible as given the uncertain nature of starting a business, one cannot know where the next opportunity will arise, whether that is an investor, or a potential business partner. The key to this is networking as one conversation could change the entire course of a business. When it comes to networking, saying yes is my best networking tip. Whether that’s to attending an event, having a meeting, grabbing coffee. You will never progress if you don’t put yourself out there. 

4. As a platform for women dreamers, what is each of your next big dreams?

Kathryn: My next big dream is to see the women I am currently mentoring eventually joining me as partners in the firm. I believe the future of business is really in women’s hands. 

Lisa: My next big dream is to take on a senior leadership role within EY and continue to develop our younger folks particularly those who are not from the US to ensure they feel welcome and included and are given opportunities to grow and develop within the firm. 

To learn more and purchase tickets, please visit the conference Website here 

Conference Agenda: 

How to Get Involved: 

Thank you both for sharing your inspiring stories with us! We are excited to welcome you to our global women’s network!

Kathryn’s Bio: Kathryn is a Tax Partner in the Boston office’s Global Compliance and Reporting Tax practice. She has over 15 years of experience serving domestic and multinational clients in various industries. Kathryn has extensive experience managing both US domestic and multinational income tax compliance engagements as well as consulting on issues related to accounting for income tax and a variety of US federal, state and international tax technical issues. Kathryn graduated from Boston College with a BS in Management, Accounting and Bentley University with an MS in Taxation. She is also a CPA in Massachusetts and a member of the AICPA and Massachusetts Society of CPAs. 

Lisa’s Bio: Lisa is a managing director in the Boston office’s assurance practice. She has 18 years of experience, she started her career in the Manchester, UK office and moved to Boston over a decade ago. Lisa has led audit efforts for a variety of clients from small startups to large multinational SEC registrants in a variety of industries, including fintech, software, manufacturing, life sciences and medical devices. She specializes in auditing large international listed companies, internal control reporting, SEC reporting, and accounting for business combinations. Lisa graduated from Lancaster University with a BS in Accounting and Finance. She is a fellow of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA), a CPA in Massachusetts and a member of the AICPA and Massachusetts Society of CPAs. 

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