Tech Marketer, Empowerment Advocate: Neha Kaushal Reflects on Her Journey in Fueling Girls' Dreams and Passions"

“Ultimately, my dream is to empower women to build successful careers and become leaders in cybersecurity. By offering the necessary mentorship, education, and opportunities, we can foster a more diverse and innovative industry, creating a ripple effect of positive change.” Today’s woman dreamer, Neha Kaushal, is a Senior Marketing leader at Acronis, leading global Go-to-Market strategies in cybersecurity. An Electronics engineer from India with advanced degrees from Toronto and Northeastern University, she combines technical expertise with strategic communication. Passionate about empowering women, she actively engages in numerous projects helping young girls and women in India become independent and earn their own living. Neha is also an advocate for local community service and cultural enrichment, balancing her professional life with her love for dance and culinary arts.

1.Tell us your story. You are the Senior Marketing Manager for Acronis, a Cybersecurity firm where you lead go-to-market strategy. You studied electrical engineering in India, but you also have two Master's degrees—one in Telecommunications from Toronto and another in Communications from Northeastern University in Boston. What inspired you to shift into the tech marketing and strategy space? What excites you most about this work? 

My journey began in India, where I was born in Ernakulam and brought up in Delhi, experiences that significantly shaped my early thinking. My parents, recognizing the importance of education, encouraged me to earn a bachelor’s degree in electronics engineering. From an early age, I was deeply inspired by my mother’s dedication to empowering women. She taught vocational skills to our maid’s daughter, transforming her life and enabling her to become a successful entrepreneur. This instilled in me the belief that every girl deserves the opportunity to succeed, and my parents supported my ambition to pursue higher education abroad.

With their encouragement, I moved to Toronto to pursue a master’s degree in Telecommunications. During my academic years, I tutored lesser-privileged girls from the neighborhood free of cost, which deepened my commitment to helping young girls from modest backgrounds establish a strong foundation for their future. In Canada, I continued my efforts by volunteering at a local orphanage and community center close to my university. After completing my degree in Toronto, I moved to Boston to pursue another master’s degree in communications from Northeastern University. My passion for empowering girls remained strong. 

As my career evolved, I transitioned from execution to strategy. My shift was driven by a desire to combine my technical background with my passion for communication. I realized that technology is not just about creating innovative products but also about effectively communicating their value to the world. This intersection of technology and communication fascinated me, and I saw an opportunity to make a meaningful impact by bridging the gap between complex technological solutions and the needs of customers.

What excites me most about my work at Acronis is the dynamic nature of the cybersecurity industry. Every day brings new challenges and opportunities to learn and grow. The fast-paced environment keeps me on my toes, constantly pushing me to think creatively and strategically. At Acronis, my role focuses on setting Go-to-Market strategies, working with diverse teams across different regions, and understanding various market dynamics and customer needs. Navigating the global-local divide and effectively communicating in a way that resonates across different regions enriches my approach to marketing and helps me develop strategies that appeal to a wide audience.

At Acronis, I have the privilege of working on cutting-edge cybersecurity solutions that protect businesses and individuals from evolving threats. The importance of cybersecurity in today’s digital world cannot be overstated, and being part of a company that is at the forefront of this field is incredibly fulfilling. Knowing that our solutions help safeguard critical data and ensure business continuity gives me a profound sense of purpose.

My shift from engineering to technology marketing was more than a career change; it was a realization that true innovation lies in connecting people with technology in meaningful ways. At Acronis, I found a place where my passion for strategy and communication intersects with the critical mission of cybersecurity. Each day, I am inspired by the dynamic challenges and the opportunity to protect businesses and individuals from digital threats.

Looking back, my path is a testament to the power of education, mentorship, and a relentless pursuit of one's dreams. As I continue to navigate the evolving landscape of technology and cybersecurity, I remain dedicated to making a positive impact—both within the industry and in the lives of those I have the privilege to support. My story is one of perseverance, purpose, and the belief that through dedication and compassion, we can create a safer, more empowered world.

2. Outside of your profession, you have had a lifelong dedication to women empowerment and giving back, particularly through your work at Sewa International’s SHE (Sanitation, Hygiene and Empowerment of the girl child) and with SHE-CAF (Covid affected families) programs for girls and women in India. How do the skills and strategies you’ve developed in your role as Senior Marketing Manager at Acronis enhance your ability to effectively promote and manage your empowerment initiatives for young girls and women?

I firmly believe in the transformative power of empowering girls. Throughout my life, I have been passionate about helping young girls from modest backgrounds establish a strong foundation for becoming responsible, independent women in our community. My experience as a professional marketer has equipped me with strategic thinking, stakeholder management, and campaign execution skills, which have been invaluable in designing and implementing impactful initiatives for women and girls through Sewa International, a Hindu faith-based, humanitarian nonprofit organization dedicated to serving humanity through disaster recovery, family services, and community empowerment. These professional skills have significantly enhanced my ability to promote and manage empowerment programs effectively, ensuring that our initiatives reach and positively impact the communities we serve. The marketing strategies I've developed in my profession help amplify our programs' reach and influence, ensuring sustainable empowerment and a lasting positive community impact.

I am deeply passionate about giving back to the community, and over the past several years, I have been closely associated with Sewa International’s SHE (Sanitation, Hygiene, and Empowerment of the girl child) and SHE-CAF (Covid Affected Families) programs for girls and women in India.

For instance, I have organized awareness and educational campaigns in villages in and around Ayodhya, UP, with support from local Boston area donors. These efforts have helped over 1,000 women by providing feminine hygiene education and distributing reusable sanitary kits. Additionally, we have built and repaired bathrooms in schools across villages in India, empowering over 45,000 adolescent girls to continue their education.

Through the SHE-CAF program, we have embarked on a journey of empowerment and transformation for young girls and women affected by the pandemic in India. Our mission is not just to offer aid but to provide sustainable solutions that enable these individuals to thrive and become self-reliant. Since its inception, the SHE-CAF program has touched the lives of over 4,000 women across 16 states in India. We've achieved this through a multifaceted approach that encompasses skill development and livelihood opportunities tailored to the needs and aspirations of each participant.

Our initiatives span a diverse range of vocational training programs, ensuring that women have access to a wide array of skill sets. From traditional crafts like tailoring, embroidery, beautician courses, and Kalamkari painting to modern pursuits such as yoga fitness certifications and fashion technology, we empower women to explore their passions and unlock their potential. We also facilitate micro-enterprise setups, providing women with the tools and resources they need to launch their own businesses. Whether it's producing jams and jelly, papad and pickles, or venturing into other entrepreneurial endeavors, we equip women with the means to generate sustainable income and achieve financial independence.

Through the SHE-CAF program, we're not just changing lives; we're building a brighter future for communities across India. By investing in women's empowerment, we create lasting positive change that ripples through generations, uplifting families and entire communities along the way.

In conclusion, my commitment to empowering young girls and women is deeply intertwined with my professional skills and personal passion. Through my work with Sewa International and its transformative programs like SHE and SHE-CAF, I have seen firsthand the profound impact that strategic, well-executed initiatives can have on communities. By leveraging my marketing expertise, I am dedicated to continuing this important work, driving sustainable change, and fostering an environment where women and girls can thrive and achieve their full potential. Together, we are not just changing lives; we are building a brighter future for generations to come.

3. What has been the most rewarding part of your work with SHE and SHE-CAF? And what was the biggest challenge and how did you overcome it?

The most rewarding aspect of my work with SHE and SHE-CAF has been witnessing the profound transformation in the lives of the women and girls we empower through our initiatives. Seeing them gain confidence, skills, and independence is incredibly fulfilling. Every conversation I have with our beneficiaries fills me with immense pride and gratitude, knowing that SHE is not only providing tangible support but also instilling a sense of empowerment and confidence in these women. Hearing their stories of resilience and determination reaffirms the importance of our mission to empower individuals to achieve financial independence and self-reliance. This work has earned me recognition from the United American India of New England (UAINE) and Senator Elizabeth Warren's office.

I feel incredibly privileged to spearhead this initiative all the way from Boston, connecting with communities thousands of miles away in India. It is a profound honor to witness firsthand the impact of our efforts as I visit school sites and engage directly with the remarkable women whose lives we are transforming through Sewa. Every conversation I have with our beneficiaries fills me with immense pride and gratitude.

The biggest challenge has been navigating cultural and logistical barriers in remote areas of India. To overcome this, we focused on fostering local partnerships and adapting our approaches to fit the specific needs of each community. This strategy ensured that our initiatives were not only accepted but also sustainable, making a lasting impact on the lives of those we seek to support.

4. You have lived in the U.S, India, and Canada. Why do you believe it is important to have global experiences in life, and what is your advice to young women professionals?

My global experience began in India and extended to Canada and the United States for higher education and professional growth. This journey exposed me to diverse cultures and perspectives, enriching my understanding of the world and shaping my approach to both life and work.

An educational background spanning three countries has equipped me with a unique blend of knowledge and skills. I have learned to approach problems from multiple perspectives and develop a holistic understanding of my field. In addition to my academic journey, I have gained work experience across the three countries, further enriching my professional expertise. Working in different cultural and business environments has taught me to be adaptable, culturally sensitive, and innovative in my approach. It has also expanded my professional network and provided me with invaluable insights into global market dynamics.

Having a global experience is incredibly important as it broadens one's horizons, fosters adaptability, and enhances problem-solving skills by exposing individuals to different ways of thinking. For young women professionals, this experience is particularly valuable. It empowers them to navigate and succeed in diverse environments, builds confidence, and provides a competitive edge in the global job market.

I am blessed to have traveled extensively for work and pleasure across Asia, Australia, Western and Central Europe, and across the US. These experiences broaden perspectives, foster cultural sensitivity, and enhance adaptability—critical skills in today's interconnected world. My advice to young women professionals is to embrace opportunities abroad, immerse themselves in diverse cultures, and leverage these experiences to enrich their personal and professional growth. Embracing global opportunities encourages young women to step out of their comfort zones, develop resilience, and cultivate a global network, all of which are crucial for personal and professional growth.

5. As the platform for women dreamers, what is your next big dream? What are your future goals for your empowerment initiatives, and how do you plan to expand or evolve these programs to reach even more girls and women in need?

As a champion for women, I am dedicated to expanding empowerment programs globally to reach more underserved women and girls. My goal is to extend Sewa International initiatives into new regions, enhance vocational training offerings, and foster sustainable economic independence among beneficiaries.

But I am also a dreamer. My next big dream is to create a comprehensive learning and development initiative aimed at supporting and inspiring young girls and women, specifically by mentoring them to enter the field of cybersecurity. The gender ratio in this field is significantly skewed, with women remaining underrepresented. To address this, I envision establishing a mentorship program that pairs aspiring professionals with experienced mentors, providing them with guidance, support, and industry insights.

Leveraging technology, I plan to create an accessible platform offering learning resources such as webinars, courses, and virtual boot camps. By forming partnerships with educational institutions and tech companies, we can provide scholarships, internships, and job placements. Local outreach initiatives will further encourage young girls to consider careers in cybersecurity.

Ultimately, my dream is to empower women to build successful careers and become leaders in cybersecurity. By offering the necessary mentorship, education, and opportunities, we can foster a more diverse and innovative industry, creating a ripple effect of positive change.

Thank you Neha for sharing your inspiring story with us! We are excited to have you in our global women’s network!