Posts tagged physical therapy
Managing and Preventing Osteoporosis: Shraddha Oza Shares Her Perspective as a Physical Therapist

“Osteoporosis is considered a silent disease. Nearly 80 percent of older Americans who suffer bone breaks are not tested or treated for osteoporosis. Yet, 1 in 2 women and up to 1 in 4 men over age 50 will break a bone due to it.” For this week’s Women’s Health Wednesday, today’s woman dreamer, Shraddha Oza, shares what everyone needs to know about osteoporosis, which is a disease of weakening of the bones. She explains the common symptoms, recommended strengthening exercises, and her experience as a frontline worker in nursing homes during Covid-19.

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Getting Your Strength Back: Two Occupational Therapists Share Expertise on Treatment Modalities, Keeping Patients Motivated, and How Covid-19 has Affected the Practice.

“One of the most rewarding parts of OT is the satisfaction and pride that we see on the face of the child or adult when they achieve a milestone/goal that they have been working towards. Sometimes it can even be a skill that they had and have lost and when they regain it, that sense of accomplishment is the ultimate reward.” Today’s woman dreamers, Mubaraka Rupawalla and Asma Lacewalla, from Texas and Florida respectively, are occupational therapists with a passion for helping their patients build their strength back,. They share their expertise on treatment modalities, the most rewarding part of their jobs, how they keep patients motivated during life’s greatest challenges, and how Covid-19 has affected the world of occupational therapy.

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Hydrotherapy, Vertigo, Muscle Pain and More: Nipa Mehta Shares Her Expertise and How She Became a Physical Therapist to Help Others

“I love to not only meet new people every day but also have the chance to make a positive difference to their quality of life and increase functional tolerance in their day to day life.” Today’s woman dreamer, Nipa Mehta is a physical therapist in Boston, at the Northeast Rehab Hospital Network. Nipa shares her expertise on many prevalent topics in the world of physical therapy, including hydrotherapy, vertigo, muscle pain, back pain, and more. Having experienced the power of physical therapy herself, Nipa has been practicing PT for 23 years. For Nipa, “the feeling of being able to help someone is genuinely satisfying and worth every second at the end of the day when you come home!”

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