Posts tagged HPC - Healthcare
Women's Health Wednesday: Director at Astrazeneca Aarti Sawant Reflects on Rewarding Career Journey in Pharmacology

“Leadership is not about titles, its about positively impacting your teams’ goals and helping your organization/s bring out the best in yourself and others. Whenever opportunity arises, practice giving back.” Born and raised in Mumbai. today’s woman dreamer, Aarti Sawant, is a Director at Astrazeneca, and has extensive pharmacology experience, previously at Pfizer for 15 years. In her Women Who Win interview, Aarti reflects on her journey, including how her grandfather’s health challenges inspired her early interest in healthcare, essential leadership advice, the empowered women she admires, and her next big dream to start a non-profit organization for a rare subtype of Parkinson disease called PSP (Parasupranuclear palsy) in memory of her father. An inspiring woman to watch in healthcare, we are excited to share her story for Women’s Health Wednesday!

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Chief of Optometry at Atrius Health Dr. Vandhana Sharda Reflects on Her Healthcare Leadership Journey

“After learning about the human body, the complexity of the eye, and understanding how important the sense of sight is in how we navigate the world, I found myself in optometry.” Today’s woman dreamer, Dr. Vandhana Sharda is the Chief of Optometry at Atrius Health. For Women’s Health Wednesday, she reflects on her healthcare journey, from starting in academia to learning how to navigate leadership. She details the importance of eye screenings and tests for diabetes patience, and shares key advice on how we can protect our eyes when using digital screens. Enjoy her inspiring story!

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From Pediatric Pioneer to Pfizer Trailblazer: Dr. Jyoti Ramakrishna's Journey with Breaking the Glass Ceiling

“When I was recruited as Chief of Pediatric GI at the Tufts Floating Hospital for Children, it was indeed a proud moment; I broke the glass ceiling as a woman serving as chief of my specialty in the Boston area.” Today’s woman dreamer, Dr. Jyoti Ramakrishna is a renowned pediatrician. In her Women Who Win interview, she reflects on how she overcame obstacles such as gender biases in her professional journey, navigating her mid-career switch from pediatric gastroenterology to Pfizer, advice for families on selecting the right pediatrician, and the women in her life that made her who she is today. She writes, “I have come across many strong women over the years. Especially I have 2 aunts, one on each side of the family, who have always been there for me ever since I lost my mother. One is a PhD and the other an MD. Both my grandmothers were also very strong women. Any time I feel like complaining about my life I think of my grandmothers and kick myself.” We are excited to share her story for Women’s Health Wednesday!

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Dr. Archi Mamgain Shares Expertise on Post Partum Depression and the Need to Normalize Conversations on Women's Health

“Post Partum Depression affects 22% women in India. Seeing women in such situations really inspired me to work along the lines of free flowing and open conversations on womens health and mental wellness.” Today’s woman dreamer, Dr. Archi Mamgain is a passionate advocate for women's health, sustainability, and open conversations. In this Women Who Win interview, Archi gets candid on what women should know about the important topic of Post Partum Depression, and her mission to create more conversation and content on women’s health issues. We are excited to share her story!

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Women's Health: NYU School of Nursing Faculty Member and Coach Farah Laurent Shares Her Mission to Empower Nurses

“I am not your average Nurse, and I hope to disrupt the nursing world by shattering old school narratives.” Today’s woman dreamer, Farah Laurent, is a motivated and passionate nursing professional with 16 years of Emergency nursing, nursing education and leadership experience. An adjunct faculty member at NYU School of Nursing and Founder of Farah Laurent International Nurse Coach LLC, she is on a mission to empower nurses in their careers. In this Women Who Win interview, she shares her journey from the Ivory Coast to Canada, gets candid on the common stresses that nurses face, and shares her advice. Enjoy!

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Women’s Health: Dr. Sheetal Sabharwal Shares Journey in Pioneering Water Birthing in India

“India has finally stepped into the field of preventive health care in the last decade and thanks to social media, the need for awareness has increased. I personally feel that the importance of lifestyle, hormones and sexual health is found to be less discussed in India.“ Today’s woman dreamer, Dr. Sheetal Sabharwal is a dedicated OBGYN with over 22 years of experience. With a passion for improving and innovating women’s healthcare in India, she shares her perspective on the key women’s health issues in India today, her journey with pioneering water birthing in India, and her next big dream! Join us for this informative Women’s Health Wednesday!

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Women's Health: What Every Woman Should Know about Managing Migraines and Headaches with Dr. Krystal L. Culler

“It took my own brain misfiring to abruptly redirect my career path, but it was a true blessing in disguise. While finding tools to support my own brain care , I found an area that is of growing interest to many adults- brain health and wellness.” Meet today’s woman dreamer, Dr. Krystal L. Culler. She is the Founder of Virtual Brain Health Center; Chief Program Officer, Ziva Health, and a Senior Atlantic Fellow for Equity in Brain Health, Global Brain Health Institute. She share her personal health journey and expertise on managing migraines and headaches. Thank you to our Global Health Contributor, Priyanka Dharampuriya, for putting this interview together. Join us for another Women’s Health Wednesday!

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Women's Health Wednesday: Dr. Shyla Shrinath Shares Her Journey as a Physician and Key Health Tips for All Women

“I must say that being a doctor is who I am and I'm never happier than when I'm caring for patients and solving some medical mystery or helping family and friends sort out their medical issues. Despite its many challenges, medicine is truly a calling and I'm so very happy to have this skill.” Today’s woman dreamer, Dr. Shyla Shrinath, is a Boston-based phyician, currently working at Atrius Health. For this week;s Women’s Health Wednesday, Shyla reflects on her personal professional journey, from growing up in Bengalore to what inspired her to become a doctor. She also shares key tips on how to manage your health, and her advice to budding women doctors. Enjoy!

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Why We Need More Women in Healthcare Venture Capital: An Inspiring Interview with Coyote Ventures Founder Jessica Karr

“I don’t as much look at “trends” but instead what are some of the largest problems that need to be solved. There is no shortage when it comes to women’s health and wellness.” Today’s woman dreamer, is the Founder & General Partner of Coyote Ventures, an early stage venture capital fund investing in women’s health and wellness. Starting her career as one of the first employees at Impossible Food, Jessica is on a mission to solve complex problems and bring women to the forefront of innovation. In her Women Who Win interview, she reflects on her career journey, the future of women in VC, and her next big dream. Enjoy!

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Dr. Susan V. George Talks About Leading a Residency Program and Her Dream of Equality, Opportunity, and Recognition For Women Physicians

“The most rewarding and fun part of my job though, is molding the next generation of healers.” Today’s woman dreamer, Dr Susan George, is a Program Director of Internal Medicine Residency at Saint Vincent Hospital, Worcester, MA. Growing up in Singapore, Susan was inspired by the age of 10 by children’s book, “The Jungle Doctor” An award-winning physician, Susan has received numerous awards such as SVH Physician of the Year Award, ACP’s Top Ten Hospitalists, the YWCA Katharine F. Erskine Award for Women in Leadership, and a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, UK. Susan shares how she built her medical career, the key learnings from leading the residency program of over 75 residents from around the globe , and her thoughts on some of the common issues young women doctors face. Enjoy her inspiring story!

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