Posts tagged Tech Page - Other
"Empowering Women in Insurance Tech: Geetha Sreedhar's Journey and the Rise of FemTech Innovations"

“Entrepreneurship is hard and lonely, it takes a lot of guts, strength, dedication and perseverance, so anything I can do to support them is gratifying to me.” Today’s woman dreamer, Geetha Sreedhar is an insurance tech leader know. She is the co-founder of COO of Tarmika, and has served on the board of TIE Boston and FemStem. In her Women Who Win interview, Geetha elaborated on her path from chartered accountant to insurance entrepreneur, including her experiences in returning to work after her kids started school, and how skills like decision making have been crucial in her career. Enjoy!

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Women's Health Wednesday: Director at Astrazeneca Aarti Sawant Reflects on Rewarding Career Journey in Pharmacology

“Leadership is not about titles, its about positively impacting your teams’ goals and helping your organization/s bring out the best in yourself and others. Whenever opportunity arises, practice giving back.” Born and raised in Mumbai. today’s woman dreamer, Aarti Sawant, is a Director at Astrazeneca, and has extensive pharmacology experience, previously at Pfizer for 15 years. In her Women Who Win interview, Aarti reflects on her journey, including how her grandfather’s health challenges inspired her early interest in healthcare, essential leadership advice, the empowered women she admires, and her next big dream to start a non-profit organization for a rare subtype of Parkinson disease called PSP (Parasupranuclear palsy) in memory of her father. An inspiring woman to watch in healthcare, we are excited to share her story for Women’s Health Wednesday!

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Chat GPT for Book Reviews: Gayatri Aryan Shares Two Book Reviews Generated by this Technology Innovation

Have you heard of Chat GPT? In light of so much noise around ChatGPT*, as a bonus to our readers, today’s woman dreamer, Gayatri Aryan, wrote the next installment of our mother-daughter book review series through Chat GPT. Gayatri provides two compelling book reviews of her most recent reads generated within a matter of minutes on the Chat GPT Platform. [Of course all based off of previously written reviews by human authors.] We are excited to explore this new tech innovation. Gayatri writes, “As a technologist, I’m simply proud of this milestone. Yet as a humanist, I’m worried. Worried about what this wave of AI tools will bring upon mankind. But hey, like it or not, AI is here so we might as well learn to leverage it. The reviews include Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s My Own Words biography and The Code Breaker by Walter Isaacson. Enjoy!

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Women in Space - Chief Operating Officer of Space Foundation Shelli Brunswick on The Role of Women in Space Technology

“More women will pursue careers in space technology and space travel for two predominant reasons: First, Commercial expansion in the space ecosystem accounts for 80% of new opportunities, and second, the space economy is resilient and expected to grow to $1-3 trillion by 2030. As industries relying on space technology are broadening and intersecting in exciting ways, traditional barriers to entry are disappearing.” We are excited to start our second year with today’s woman dreamer, Shelli Brunswick, a true pioneer leading the way for women interested in space. A true global woman, she shares her exciting journey from serving in the Air Force in Turkey and Germany to her life in the role of COO of The Space Foundation. Enjoy her empowering story below!

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Switching Careers: From Engineering to Nonprofits, Women's Foundation of Boston Senior Executive Shares Her Story

“Two constants in my life have been a love of math and science and a desire to help others. “ Today’s woman dreamer, Tulika Hainsworth, shares her exciting career journey, in the worlds of engineering, CSR, and nonprofits. As Senior Executive of the Women’s Foundation of Boston, Tulika shares her top 4 fundraising tips for female founders, challenges she navigated as a woman in the workplace, and her love for volunteering with wonderful organizations like Society of Women Engineers and Shishu Bharati. Her advice for all women, “Cultivate your personal board of directors – a group of people who know you really well, who support you unconditionally, but who will be willing to disagree with your ideas and provide honest feedback.” Enjoy her story below!

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A Shy Girl's Journey in the Corporate World: Yoshika Sherring Shares How She Found Her Voice

“Because I am soft spoken and shy, it is doubly important that I make it a point to say something in a meeting.” Have you ever walked into a meeting, nervous to speak up, or hesitant to share an opinion? Today’s woman dreamer, Yoshika Sherring shares how she built her confidence and overcame her shyness in the corporate world. She shares her three essential tips for finding your voice, as a woman in the corporate world.

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Rising Above Tragedy: A Single Mother’s Journey: Raising a Family and Leading the Family Software Business with Resilience and Gratitude.

Sapna Shetty’s carefree married life came to a halt when her husband unexpectedly passed away. With grit, resilience, and the support of her family and the community, she led her husband’s software company, educating herself on business and computer science so she could carry on her husband’s legacy. She shares the challenges of being a single parent, and how she is learning to live life to the fullest with her children amidst hardships. Her gratitude and strength leaves us all inspired.

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How to Build Your Social Media Community, Start a Podcast, and Deal with Imposter Syndrome

Online Communities have become a powerhouse in 2020 for businesses and organizations, connecting like-minded people around the world on the topics they are passionate about. They give people a voice, and a chance to engage with an organization in a more personal way. Today’s women dreamers, Beth Mulholland and Taylor Adams, created the Women’s Investment Network (WIN), known for its WIN podcast and programming. They share their insights on how to build an engaged online community as women, the journey in launching a podcast, and their thoughts on Imposter Syndrome, a common issue women face when pursuing their dreams. Enjoy their story below.

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A Tech Executive’s Journey with Metastatic Breast Cancer: Lessons for All Women with Gayatri Aryan

Gayatri Aryan, a Technology Executive and MIT Sloan Executive MBA graduate, shares her powerful and life-changing journey with breast cancer. Strong and Determined, Gayatri Aryan discusses the life lessons she learned from this experience to inspire women in the same situation, or navigating any adversity, health trauma, or challenge in their life. A true inspiration to us all, read Gayatri’s empowering story, her incredible insights on life, and her perspective on how to stay positive when life gives you lemons.

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